
  • Amazonian river dolphins in Lake Amana, Amazonia, Brazil

    Early View

    Online Version of LAJAM before inclusion in an issue

    Cover Photo: Amazonian river dolphins (Inia geoffrensis) in Lake Amanã, Amazonia, Brazil

    Photo Credit: Daniel Gonzalez-Socoloske

  • Cover of Vol. 19 No. 1 depicting the face of a West Indian manatee taken underwater in the tannin-rich waters of the Tatumunha River, Alagoas, Bazil. Photo Credit: Enrico marcovalid/FMA Collection

    Special Issue on the Biology and Conservation of Manatees
    Vol. 19 No. 1 (2024)

    This is 19(1) 2024 LAJAM Special Issue on the Biology and Conservation of Manatees

    Guest Editors: Ana Carolina O. de Meirelles, Rodrigo Amaral, João Carlos G. Borges, and Nataly Castelblanco-Martínez

    Editor-in-Chief: Miriam Marmontel

    Managing Editor: Daniel Gonzalez-Socoloske

    Layout Editor: Aileen Arango

    Cover Photo: West Indian manatee in the tannin-rich waters of the Tatumunha River, Alagoas, Bazil. Photo Credit: Enrico marcovalid/FMA Collection

  • Solitary Bryde's whale observed via drone-monitoring at Praia das Toninhas in Ubatuba-São Paulo, Brazil. Photo Credit: Lucas Lima de Oliveira / Projeto Costa das Toninhas - GEMARS

    Vol. 18 No. 2 (2023)

    This is 18(2) 2023 regular issue of LAJAM

    Editor-in-Chief: Miriam Marmontel

    Managing Editor: Daniel Gonzalez-Socoloske

    Layout Editor: Aileen Arango

    Cover Photo: Solitary Bryde's whale observed via drone-monitoring at Praia das Toninhas in Ubatuba-São Paulo, Brazil. Photo Credit: Lucas Lima de Oliveira / Projeto Costa das Toninhas - GEMARS

  • Cover of Vol. 18 No. 1 depicting aquatic mammals of Latin America with a map of the region superimposed. Art by Alexandre Huber

    20th Anniversary Special Issue
    Vol. 18 No. 1 (2023)

    This is 18(1) 2023 Special 20th Anniversary issue of LAJAM

    Guest Editors: Daniel Gonzalez-Socoloske, Nataly Castelblanco Martinez, Carolina Loch,  Aldo Pacheco, & Miriam Marmontel

    Editor-in-Chief: Miriam Marmontel

    Managing Editor: Daniel Gonzalez-Socoloske

    Layout Editor: Aileen Arango & Karine Diniz Herte

    Artwork for Cover & Reviews: Alexandre Huber

  • Sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus) in southern Brazil. Photo Credit: Federico Sucunza

    Vol. 17 No. 2 (2022)

    This is 17(2) 2022 regular issue of LAJAM

    Editor-in-Chief: Miriam Marmontel

    Managing Editor: Daniel Gonzalez-Socoloske

    Layout Editor: Aileen Arango

    Cover Photo: Sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus) in southern Brazil. Photo Credit: Federico Sucunza

  • Guiana dolphins (Sotalia guianensis) in the Mahuny River in French Guiana, June of 2020 by Amandine Bordin.

    Vol. 17 No. 1 (2022)

    This is 17(1) 2022 regular issue of LAJAM

    Editor-in-Chief: Miriam Marmontel

    Managing Editor: Daniel Gonzalez-Socoloske

    Layout Editor: Aileen Arango

    Cover Photo: Guiana dolphins (Sotalia guianensis) in the Mahuny River in French Guiana, June of 2020. Photo Credit: Amandine Bordin

  • A southern right whale (Eubalaena australis) mother and calf photographed in Argentina by Philip Hamilton 

    Vol. 16 No. 1 (2021)

    This is 16(1) 2021 regular issue of LAJAM

    Editor-in-Chief: Miriam Marmontel

    Managing Editor: Daniel Gonzalez-Socoloske

    Layout Editor: Hime Navarro

    Cover Photo: A southern right whale (Eubalaena australis) mother and calf photographed in Argentina. Photo Credit: Philip Hamilton

  • Vol. 15 No. 1 (2020)

    This is 15(1) 2020 regular issue of LAJAM

  • Vol. 13 No. 1-2 (2018)

    This is LAJAM 2018 double issue 13(1-2)
  • Vol. 12 No. 1-2 (2017)

    Volume 12 of LAJAM with two issues
  • Vol. 11 No. 1-2 (2016)

    A special volume of LAJAM on bottlenose dolphins, with papers presented at the First Workshop on the Research and Conservation of Tursiops truncatus: Integrating knowledge about the species in the Southwest Atlantic Ocean, 21-23 May 2010, Rio Grande, Brazil

  • Special Issue on Giant River Otter Pteronura brasiliensis
    Vol. 10 No. 2 (2015)

    A special issue of LAJAM dedicated to the biology, ecology and conservation of the giant river otter Pteronura brasiliensis
  • On the cover: Dr. Robert Clarke and his wife Obla Paliza on the shores of the Galápagos Islands in 2001, photo courtesy of Fernando Félix

    Vol. 9 No. 1 (2011)

    Dedicated to Dr. Robert Henry Clarke, 1919-2011
  • Cover of Vol. 8, Nos. 1-2

    Vol. 8, Nos. 1-2 (2010)

    Special Volume on the Biology and Conservation of Neotropical Dolphins of the Genus Sotalia
  • Vol. 4, No. 2 (2005)

    The Unofficial Beaked Whale Issue
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