First stranding record of Kogia sima (Owen, 1866) in the Colombian Caribbean


  • Maria A. Mutis Museum of Marine Natural History of Colombia-MAKURIWA, Institute of Marine and Coastal Research-INVEMAR.
  • Andrea Polanco Museum of Marine Natural History of Colombia-MAKURIWA, Institute of Marine and Coastal Research-INVEMAR.



Distribution, Stranding, Morphological identification, Kogiidae


The dwarf sperm whale, Kogia sima, is one of the lesser known Odontoceti species, in spite of its worldwide distribution, and is considered rare due to the difficult identification in the field. Detailed information is scarce and mostly comes from stranding events or bycatch animals, just a few sightings correspond to live specimens. In the Caribbean Basin, the species has been reported in the Lesser Antilles, Mexico, Honduras, Costa Rica and Venezuela. We present the first stranding record of Kogia sima in the Colombian Caribbean coast from a pregnant female in Mendihuaca region, Magdalena Department. The specimen showed no fishing or entanglement lines whatsoever, and the overall condition was good. Morphological measurements were taken and the confirmation of the species was made from the following features: body length, height and position of dorsal fin, position of blowhole, and number of teeth in the lower jaw. The record of the adult specimen is documented in the System of Information of Marine Biodiversity of Colombia –SIBM and the fetus is deposited in the Mammal collection of the Museum of Marine Natural History of Colombia –MAKURIWA under the catalogue number INV-MAM004.

Author Biographies

Maria A. Mutis, Museum of Marine Natural History of Colombia-MAKURIWA, Institute of Marine and Coastal Research-INVEMAR.

Scientific Researcher at Biodiversity and Marine Ecosistems Program.

Andrea Polanco, Museum of Marine Natural History of Colombia-MAKURIWA, Institute of Marine and Coastal Research-INVEMAR.

Scientific Researcher at Biodiversity and Marine Ecosistems Program.


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How to Cite

Mutis, M. A., & Polanco, A. (2019). First stranding record of Kogia sima (Owen, 1866) in the Colombian Caribbean. Latin American Journal of Aquatic Mammals, 14(1), 18-26.


