Cetacean sightings in Puerto Rican waters: including the first underwater photographic documentation of a minke whale (Balaenoptera acutorostrata)


  • Grisel Rodriguez-Ferrer University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez, Department of Marine Sciences, Marine Genomics Biodiversity Laboratory, Call Box 9000, 00681 Mayagüez, Puerto Rico
  • Roberto Reyes Calle Luna 154, Los Ángeles, 00979 Carolina, Puerto Rico
  • Nicholas M. Hammerman School of Biological Sciences, University of Queensland, Gehrman Laboratories, Level 8, Research Road, 4072 St. Lucia, QLD
  • Jaaziel E. García-Hernández University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez, Department of Marine Sciences, Marine Genomics Biodiversity Laboratory, Call Box 9000, 00681 Mayagüez, Puerto Rico




conservation, management, biodiversity, whales, Puerto Rico, Caribbean


Opportunistic encounters by experts and the public (i.e. fishermen, tourists) can be great assets to understanding cetacean distribution, especially in areas where surveys are limited. Sightings of Puerto Rican pelagic cetaceans have been reported in the past, with known seasonality in some species. Within this report, we document sightings for eight species, report new monthly distributions for three of these species, as well as the presence of rough-toothed dolphins close to the coast, and the first underwater sighting of a minke whale (Balaenoptera acutorostrata) off San Juan, Puerto Rico. Unfortunately, the lack of long-term studies due to limited funding and resources has been an obstacle in determining species diversity and overall health of cetacean populations. However, this note provides evidence that collaboration between marine biologists and citizen-based science is possible and desired, and serves as a valuable resource to protect and conserve native, pelagic, and transient cetacean species around Puerto Rican waters.

Author Biography

Grisel Rodriguez-Ferrer, University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez, Department of Marine Sciences, Marine Genomics Biodiversity Laboratory, Call Box 9000, 00681 Mayagüez, Puerto Rico

PhD student




How to Cite

Rodriguez-Ferrer, G., Reyes, R., Hammerman, N. M., & García-Hernández, J. E. (2019). Cetacean sightings in Puerto Rican waters: including the first underwater photographic documentation of a minke whale (Balaenoptera acutorostrata). Latin American Journal of Aquatic Mammals, 13(1-2), 26-36. https://doi.org/10.5597/00246


