Meirelles, A.C.O., Campos, T.M., Marcondes, M.C., Groch, K.R., Souto, L.R., dos Reis, M. do S.S., Normande, I.C., Luna, F. de O., Nascimento, L.F., Silva, F.J., Vergara-Parente, J.E., Borges, J.C.G., Jesus, A.H., Attademo, F.L.N. and da Silva Jr., J.M. 2017. Reports of strandings and sightings of bottlenose dolphins (Tursiops truncatus) in northeastern Brazil and Brazilian oceanic islands. Latin American Journal of Aquatic Mammals. 11, 1-2 (Jan. 2017), 178-190. DOI:https://doi.org/10.5597/00227.